Well some great things have happened down at the “U” since our last post. Machel hasn’t needed dialysis and they have removed the port. She has been eating and drinking and feeling so much better. Monday they took the cast off of her right hand and she has a new splint. She has started therapy to get it moving. Thursday they removed the X-brace from her pelvis and the blood vessel filter. The Ortho Docs have taken several CT scans and X-rays. And everything looks great. They have given her the green light to start physical therapy. On Saturday, they helped her STAND up for the first time in 8 weeks! She was able to stand for about a minute. She also was able to sit up in her bed.
They are planning on moving her to a rehab facility sometime this week. They need to evaluate where she can be taken care of best, there are a few to choose from. This decision will be based on what type of nursing level she will need and how much physical therapy she will be able to participate in. But all of these choices will be closer to home….YEAH!! Moving has been very scary so far so PRAY for her!
There have been some sweet comments and also some great questions asked in your comments so here are some answers…
How are her spirits? Her spirits are as well as can be expected. She has good and bad days. She seems strong but she is still in such a state of disbelief, shock, and mourning.
Is she all over the map emotionally? More and more every day, as she gets better she becomes more aware of everything that has happened. She does not remember the accident or any of the details. She has a really hard time hearing about all that she has been through. She is also realizing everything she still has to face.
Is she exhausted? YES! Her body is working so hard to heal itself, she is exhausted most of the day. Therapy is extremely hard and she is completely worn out after just a few minutes. The doctors have told her it will take baby steps to build up her strength.
Does she enjoy company, or would she rather be left alone? Right now family is the most comfort to her. She realizes that everyone is concerned about her and appreciates your visits. She has some big things coming up for her during this transition week. Please text or call her before, especially since she is starting into some pretty tough therapy. Visits that are short & sweet are best!
Could she stand some pampering, or is she in too much pain? Right now she is still in a considerable amount of pain. I think once they get her moving, and when she is feeling better, she would LOVE some pampering.
She is amazing and we thank God every day that she is here with us! Thanks for following.